26 Lessons I Learned At 26
As the saying goes, “Another year older, another year wiser.” Today, we have a special long episode to celebrate Joyce’s 26th birthday! In this episode, Joyce shares 26 lessons from her 26 years of mistakes, adventures and heartaches.
1. 5 makeup kit essentials
○ Sunscreen, powder, lip and cheek tint, brow pencil and lip balm
○ Put on sunscreen! Prevention is better than cure.
○ For boys, have a tiny hygiene kit. You never know when you’d need it
2. Buy classic pieces of clothing
○Look for stylish ways to reuse and revamp them! It will save you tons of money compared to buying flashy pieces.
3. Bring your own water jug everywhere
○ Save money + help the environment!
4. It’s okay to accept compliments politely
○ Just say thank you. Return the compliment only if you genuinely feel like it.
○ Tell them how much you appreciate it. This reminds the other person that kind words go a long way.
5. Alcohol is not a necessity for socializing
○ If there’s FOMO, theres also JOMO. The Joy Of Missing Out.
○ Skipping a night out won’t make you miss out on things. In fact, you can spend more time on being productive instead of feeling like a zombie the next day.
○ If you have a problem, don’t rely on band aid solutions like drinking or meeting new people. Confront and process your problems.
6. Tequila as your main booze and Rum Cola as your chaser is NOT a good idea
○That’s right, this used to be Joyce’s favorite combo. But after years of experience, she definitely does not recommend it.
7.Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions a smoker can ever make
○ Need I say more?
Travelling and studying abroad are life changing experiences
○ If you have the means to do so, go travel and study abroad! Learning about new cultures and immersing yourself in uncomfortable situations will change your perspective.
One must always prioritize exploring their own country
○ Before you travel abroad, explore the Philippines! Our country has beautiful places, people and FOOD. We have so much to offer, so go explore it.
Make sure you have clean tissue before you go to a public toilet
○Sanitize before you sit or just don’t sit at all!
11. Don’t look up someone’s socials before meeting them
○It may be the norm now, but it takes out the fun in meeting new people.
○Do this and you’ll realize how fun it can be to meet someone completely new.
12. Read More
○Read anything: books, articles, news etc.
○Reading helps you grow, be educated and live lives you wouldn’t have lived otherwise.
13. Give sweet notes and messages to your friends and family
○These aren’t just for a romantic partner, show your friends and family that you appreciate them by dropping a note or sweet message
○A kind word goes a long way.
14. If you have nothing good to say, be silent.
○Charity trumps liberty
15. Take care of your heart, mind and soul.
○It’s great to take care of your body, but don’t forget that what really matters on the inside.
○What gives you motivation? What do you live for? Are you helping other people?
16. Too much small talk is a waste of time
○Get to the important matters. Have deep conversations. Ask someone how they really are: their problems, their faith, their dreams. Talk about things that actually matter.
17. There are no “ordinary” human beings.
○Each person you interact with is an immortal soul that you have to value.They are beyond their race, family, career or the number of instagram followers.
○You have no superiority above anybody and do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior.
18. Drink lots of water.
○Drinking more than 8 glasses of water may make you look bloated, but it does wonders for your skin. So, choose your battle.
19. The music you listen to can change the way you live your life
○This is not just for music, it could be the news you listen to, the books you read or the friends you surround yourself with.
○These things change how you view the world, so be careful with it.
20. Female friendships are great blessings.
○It’s great to have guy friends, but to have female friends that you can consider your sisters are the greatest blessings.
○It’s easy to dismiss female friendships as dramatic, but your female friends are so important. Female friends support each other and help each other grow.
When you lose your temper, admit that you are wrong, apologize, and make it better.
○When you snap, just apologize. Apologize to the person, apologize to God and make it better.
○Everyone makes mistakes, but you can always ask for forgiveness and try to be better.
When you want something, go ahead and ask for it.
○If you don’t know the answer, just say so.
○Even if it makes you feel dumb or uneasy, just ask. It’s better than faking for the sake of your pride or ego.
23. Say the truth with love
○If your coworker is not performing well or if your group mate is not doing their share or if your mom is being unreasonable, tell them. But always with love.
○If you say it lovingly, they will listen.
24. Love fearlessly
○Love like you’ve never been hurt before. Love those who can never reciprocate it.
○Surrender your will and your wants in loving and serving others, and you will find contentment and joy.
Everything in the world is fleeting.
○Everyone and everything is mortal but our heart craves for something that lasts forever.
○You can only find this contentment in the Lord.Our hearts are restless until our hearts rest with God.
Lesson worth keeping are lessons learned through mistakes, adventures and heartaches
○Never be afraid to explore life and make mistakes :)
Stay tuned for more episodes and don’t forget to use the hashtag #AdultingWithPring if you have any comments or suggestions for future topics!
Episode summary by Jacy Olivares, follow her on Instagram: @jacyolivares
Adulting With Joyce Pring the Podcast:
The How-To’s of your 20’s told by a 26 year old. Basically, the blind leading the blind - expectantly and with gusto. Adulting With Joyce Pring the podcast is available for free on iTunes, Spotify, Podcast app, and all your other podcast providers. All written, recorded, and produced by Joyce Pring, unless stated otherwise.
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Soli Deo Gloria!