6th Love Language: Parinig

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Are you guys ready? On this episode, together with Dani Mortel and Josh Colet, we talk about the concept of “parinig” and its effects on our relationships.

Instagram: Danielle Mortel

In the realm of love and relationships, communication plays a pivotal role. Dr. Gary Chapman's concept of the five love languages—words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch—has been widely embraced as a framework to understand and express love. However, in the Filipino context, a unique love language has emerged—Parinig. We'll explore what Parinig means in the Filipino culture, its significance, and how it's reshaping the way people convey affection and emotions.

What is ‘Parinig’?

"Parinig" is a Filipino term that can be loosely translated to "hint" or "indirect mention." It refers to the act of subtly expressing one's thoughts, feelings, or desires without directly addressing the intended recipient. Instead, individuals use hints, allusions, or innuendos, often in a playful or cryptic manner.

How Parinig Works?

1) Social Media

Parinig is most commonly observed on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Users craft posts or tweets that convey their emotions or thoughts indirectly.

2) Subtle References

Parinig posts typically include veiled references, song lyrics, quotes, or vague statements that hint at what the person is feeling or thinking.

3) Tagging or Mentioning

To ensure the intended recipient notices the post, the user may tag or mention them. However, it's not always necessary, as the post is often designed to be decoded by those who understand the subtleties.

4) Interpretation and Reaction

The recipient and other observers interpret the post's underlying message. This can lead to various reactions, including replies, comments, or private messages.

Parinig in Filipino Culture

1) Subtlety and Discretion

Parinig allows individuals to express their feelings or desires discreetly. In a culture that often values modesty and humility, it provides a way to communicate without overtly declaring one's emotions.

2) Playfulness and Anticipation

The playful nature of Parinig can create an element of intrigue and anticipation. Deciphering the hidden message can be exciting, making it a unique form of emotional expression.

3) Avoiding Confrontation

We often avoid direct confrontation, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Parinig provides an indirect means of addressing issues or expressing affection without causing discomfort.

4) Shared Cultural Understanding

We have a shared cultural understanding of Parinig, making it a form of communication that's widely recognized and embraced within the community. It strengthens a sense of belonging and cultural identity.

5) Cultural Sensitivity

Parinig respects cultural norms and sensitivities. It allows individuals to express themselves while adhering to societal expectations and traditions.

Build a system that works for your relationship.
— Joyce Pring

From Episode 179 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: “6th Love Language: Parinig”