How To Be Productive After A Long Break?
What should be our first step in goal setting? Can we really achieve a life-work balance? Back on another episode with Juancho as we talk about these and more!
“Nothing worth having comes easy. You don’t find a diamond lying around anywhere somewhere.”
Goal setting:
Don’t where to start?
Work backwards - where do you envision yourself five or ten years from now and then?
Should we set goals every start of the year?
It's good to start your goals and visions at the start of the year because I feel like it's a fresh start for everyone.
How to focus in achieving your goals when things don't go your way?
○ Get back up. Expect that it's okay to feel sad. It's okay to feel disappointed. But always get back up and always remember why you started in the first place.
○ Expect that disappointments, mistakes, hurdles and challenges will come along the way. Expect it already. Don't think that life will be handed to you on a silver platter and that things will always go your way and that everything will be good. Because it won't. Honestly, it won't.
○ Try to be as versatile and as gritty as possible. Because that's the only thing that you can do.
Mistakes will happen, things won't go your way. But you have to ask yourself, what can I do to keep on track? It might not be the path that I imagine myself to be on, but what kind of path can I create for myself so that I can still achieve the goal that I want to achieve?
How to bounce back
after long vacations?
Ask yourself – why are you working? What’s the purpose? What inspires you to do the work that you do?
How to maintain a
life-work balance?
Set boundaries. Family comes first before work.
How to be more productive?
If you take out something, you have to replace it with another thing. If you are trying to take out something toxic in your life, make sure that you replace it with something good. Because if you just leave it empty, I assure you it's going to be filled with another toxic thing.
“Adult life is all about improv. It’s a delicate balance of both planning and being flexible.”
From Episode 176 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: “How to be Productive After a Long Break”