5 Filipino Stereotypes To Break

Utang na Loob? Being a marites? What are the most toxic and hated Filipino traits? On this episode, I discuss the 5 stereotypes we must let go of.


English Fluency

English fluency does not determine intelligence and valuing the richness of the Filipino language.

- Promote Language Diversity: Emphasize the value of both English and Filipino languages. Encourage the use and appreciation of Filipino languages alongside English.

- Challenge Stereotypes: Emphasize that language proficiency is just one aspect of a person's abilities and talents.

2) "Filipino Time"

Challenging this notion by valuing punctuality and respecting other people's time.

- Set Expectations: Encourage punctuality by clearly communicating expectations for meeting times and deadlines.

- Lead by Example: Be punctual yourself and demonstrate respect for others' time.

3) Utang ng Loob

The idea of indebtedness or gratitude that is expected to be reciprocated. It suggests that when someone does a favor for you, you are obligated to repay that favor in some way in the future.

- Promote Genuine Gratitude: Encourage genuine acts of gratitude without expecting immediate reciprocation.

- Emphasize Reciprocal Relationships: Encourage mutual support and collaboration based on genuine care and shared values, rather than a sense of indebtedness.

4) Gossip Culture

- Promote Positive Communication: Encourage empathy, understanding, and positive communication in personal interactions.

- Discourage Rumor-Spreading: Educate about the harmful effects of gossip and rumors. Encourage individuals to verify information before sharing and to focus on constructive conversations.

5) "Pasaway" mentality

This term refers to the inclination to be defiant or to bend or break rules when one thinks they can get away with it. Some Filipinos may display a "pasaway" attitude, not following guidelines or laws, leading to a lack of discipline and order.

- Promote Respect for Rules and Guidelines: Encourage a culture of accountability and responsibility. Emphasize the importance of following rules for the common good and respecting authority.

- Foster Discipline and Order: Advocate for discipline and order in personal behavior and community interactions. Highlight the benefits of a disciplined approach to achieving goals and maintaining harmony.

How can we challenge these stereotypes?

We can start by actively seeking out and sharing positive and diverse narratives of Filipinos. By showcasing their accomplishments, talents, and contributions in various fields, we can counter the narrow stereotypes and promote a more nuanced understanding of the Filipino culture.

Additionally, engaging in open and respectful conversations about stereotypes can help break down misconceptions and foster greater understanding. By inviting different perspectives and challenging our own biases, we can contribute to a more inclusive and accurate portrayal of the Filipino community.

Stereotypes don't define individuals. Each person has a unique story, aspirations, and achievements that go beyond any preconceived notions. By challenging stereotypes, we empower individuals to be seen and appreciated for their true selves.


From Episode 214 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: “5 Filipino Stereotypes To Break”