Becoming Unapologetically Abundant
Petia Kolibova is a women's transformation coach who helps women who have been pushed down and been playing it small due to toxic relationships or unhealed childhood trauma to create a life that is true to them and their sole purpose. On this podcast episode, she shares some incredible insights and best practices to create a life that’s unapologetically abundant!
Her mission is to help women who are on the path to find healing from past wounds, move through their limiting beliefs and internal blocks so that they can finally do what they want to do what feels good to them, and serve other women in a powerful way online. Petia pairs feminine flow with strategic planning to give entrepreneurs immense clarity + exact steps to transition from side-hustler to CEO.
Things That Can Weigh You Down
Working with women and really reminding them of their worth, and how powerful and beautiful they are, can be so loving and nurturing. But again, people are playing it small because most women are thought to be the nurturers, the caregivers, the ones to get the last the rights to taking care of. You just got to keep going, no matter how you feel, be gentle with yourself. (PK)
It's heavy to carry that burden and those masks around and that façade around, always thinking about how to look, sound, or seem better for others, instead of saying, this is who I am and I'm going to make it work for me instead of work against me. (JP)
Limiting Beliefs - It’s thinking you're not smart enough, that you're not special enough, that you're not good enough, and that you don't have anything to say or do that is something special to be offered to the world. But in fact, those are not true. (PK)
Money Mindset - You earn it, you spend it, there is never enough. It's stressful and what do we do about it? It's not about how much you have but how you feel about it. (PK)
How to Be a Better You
Ask Yourself Even the
Little Things
Jot down information about you in a little sticky note. You got to really start with knowing your core values, that's the most important thing. You can take a piece of paper, divide it in two and on one side, write down two things you don't stand for. And on the other side, the things you do stand for. Recognize your unique gifts, take care of yourself. (PK)
Do Not Compare
To Others
You shouldn't be comparing your output to other people’s output, because you have different skill sets and different gifts that you need to be able to maximize. Be unapologetically abundant, because that means that we're able to not only just have more, but also give more. (JP)
Understand your Purpose
Why am I here? Your purpose is to be yourself. If you think about it, there's no one like you. No one in the universe who thinks the same way as you, who looks the same way as you, and experience the same things as you. There will be people who experience similar things. (PK)
“Once you embrace being unapologetically, that’s when the abundance comes.”
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Adulting With Joyce Pring is the How-To’s of your 20’s told by a 20-something, traversing through life expectantly and with gusto!
Episode summary by Chiara
Soli Deo Gloria!