Be More Productive
Being productive is not about being busy all the time, it is being able to do quality work in the amount of time that you have.
On this solo episode, you may find your own systems of productivity, the habits you can form, and the right equipment that will help you reach your goals. Remember that not all of the tips and techniques that professionals, life coaches lay out for you can be effective too, you need to find the best that will work for you!.
Productivity is achievable and here’s how!
1. Stick to your schedule.
You have to find the schedule that works for your specific career, work path, and personality. Learn to respect it. Set boundaries on the days you are scheduled to work and rest. Set a hard stop on your working schedule. Say “no” to work if it falls under the time you need to rest. Your family and well-being is far more important than just working.
2. Take out distractions.
Observe the Eisenhower Matrix, a framework for productivity, prioritization, and time management. This framework sets up your expectations which therefore aligns your schedule. Categorize the things you should do and the things you should not be doing and divide it into 4 quadrants:
*Important and urgent
*Important but not urgent
*Urgent but not important
*Not important and not urgent
3. Find a team, delegate, and trust that they can do the task well.
If there are tasks you can delegate and ask other people to do and automate, do it. Ask yourself “how much is your time worth?” If you can pay someone else to do a specific task, that will make you earn more, be productive , and provide quality work.
“Your time is precious, and it is really expensive.
How to overcome procrastination?
1. Force it for 5 minutes.
Do not wait to feel you are ready for work, just do it! Don’t allow your emotions to lead your productivity. There will really be a time when you don’t feel like working as it is hard and exhausting. You just need to force it and you’ll eventually find your mojo and rhythm for work.
2. Do the Pomodoro technique.
Set aside 25 minutes of focused or deep work. Set a timer, start with 5 minutes and allow yourself to take a break, and create a technique that works for you.
3. Don’t start that Netflix show!
Stay away from distractors that will really lead you to procrastinating, know yourself and identify what techniques of productivity work for you.
4. Find people who will be your accountability partner.
Surround yourself with people who will push you to be better, and get out of your procrastination.
5. Have something to look forward to.
It is okay to reward yourself! It doesn’t have to be grand, even small and simple and yet fun things you enjoy is enough to encourage you!
*After doing your work, you can binge watch your favorite series.
*By meeting your deadline you can go out with your friends, and etc.
How to avoid being burnt out?
1. Put rest into your system and schedule.
Set boundaries. Allow yourself to have intentional rest time.Write down the 5 things that are most important to you and spend your time accordingly.
Remember: The key to staying mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy is knowing what your priorities are.
2. Be mindful of the things you consume.
Be aware of the food you put in your body, the things you consume on social media, and the conversations you have.
From Episode 174 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: ”BE MORE PRODUCTIVE”