Breaking the Gender Bias
Though the Philippines is one of the top countries in closing the gender gap, there are still several issues and biases women have to go through in every industry. I asked my good friend, Inka Magnaye, to join me on this episode to talk about gender equality and more.
Comments or biases a woman could often get?
1) Appearance-related comments.
Women may face remarks about their physical appearance, such as being judged based on their looks, weight, or clothing choices. These comments can range from objectifying and sexualizing to body-shaming or making superficial judgments.
2) Doubt about capabilities.
Women may experience doubts or biases about their competence and abilities in traditionally male-dominated fields or leadership positions. Their skills and expertise may be questioned or undermined based on gender stereotypes, leading to a lack of opportunities or recognition.
3) Microaggressions.
Women often experience subtle forms of discrimination or microaggressions, which are everyday verbal, nonverbal, or environmental slights or insults. These can include condescending remarks, patronizing attitudes, or being interrupted or talked over in conversations.
4) Mansplaining.
Women may encounter instances of "mansplaining," where men explain things to them in a condescending or patronizing manner, assuming their lack of knowledge or expertise on a particular topic.
5) Sexual harassment or objectification.
Women may encounter unwelcome advances, inappropriate comments, or objectification based on their gender. These behaviors can range from subtle to overt and contribute to a hostile or unsafe environment.
“You don’t need to suffer to be able to find yourself. ”
How can we break the gender bias?
1) Educate Yourself.
Take the initiative to educate yourself about gender issues, stereotypes, and biases. Read books, articles, and research on gender equality, intersectionality, and feminist perspectives. Attend workshops or seminars to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by different genders.
2) Promote Gender Equality.
Advocate for gender equality in all aspects of life, including education, employment, politics, and relationships. Support organizations and initiatives that work towards gender equality and amplify the voices of marginalized genders. Use your own platform and influence to raise awareness and promote inclusivity.
3) Address Workplace Bias.
Advocate for fair and inclusive workplace practices that address gender biases. Support equal pay for equal work and challenge discriminatory practices or policies. Promote diversity and inclusion initiatives within organizations and encourage a supportive and respectful work environment.
4) Engage in Active Listening.
Listen to the experiences and perspectives of people from different genders. Validate their experiences and feelings, and seek to understand their unique challenges. Engage in empathetic and active listening without judgment or defensiveness.
Breaking gender bias requires ongoing commitment, self-reflection, and action. By challenging stereotypes, advocating for equality, and fostering inclusivity in our daily lives, we can contribute to creating a more equitable and just society for all genders.
“Success is relative.”
How can we uplift women?
1) Foster Networking and Collaboration.
Facilitate networking opportunities for women to connect with others in their field or industry. Encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas and resources. Help create a supportive community where women can learn from each other, collaborate, and lift each other up.
2) Support Women's Entrepreneurship.
Offer support and resources to women entrepreneurs. Invest in women-owned businesses, promote their products and services, and provide mentorship or guidance in entrepreneurship. Encourage women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and provide a supportive ecosystem for their success.
3) Encourage Self-Care and Well-being.
Promote self-care and well-being among women. Encourage them to prioritize their physical and mental health, practice self-compassion, and establish boundaries. Support initiatives that address women's health issues and promote holistic well-being.
“Never shrink youself so others can feel bigger. ”
From Episode 135 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: “Breaking the Gender Bias ft. Inka Magnaye”