Building A World of Empowered Women
Joyce Pring celebrates Women’s Month last March by having Lia Cruz on the show to talk about finding her place in the world, dealing with challenges faced by women, and learning about how women can harness out intrinsic female power in order to emphasize and encourage one another.
On this episode, Joyce Pring talks with Lia Cruz who is a television presenter. She's a News Sports, weather anchor, and is also a voiceover talent. And as a writer, she is currently the host of What Glass Ceiling? which is a women's podcast. It's a podcast about women, for women, and is created by women.
What Glass Ceiling?
According to Lia Cruz, What Glass Ceiling? Podcast is a product of her brainstorming with her partner concerning lending a platform to women’s voices and women telling their stories. By definition, the glass ceiling is sort of a barrier that prevents people from advancing, it is due to the idea that these people being prevented by the glass ceiling is considered as part of the minority. Women, as seen as the minority from the patriarchal point of view, women break these limits society has set for us.
With the presence of patriarchy in Philippine society, women have to break that glass ceiling at some point. Shattering these standards and norms in our culture and society, the intentionality of knowing it is made by women for women to share their stories is new and uplifting. (JP)
“Your gender shouldn’t walk into the room before you”
Breaking the Standards Society Has Made for Women
Belonging to a career that is dominated by males, Lia Cruz shares her greatest lessons from being a sportscaster. One of these is that whenever males give advice, it’s always based on their own experience, which is very different from what females experience. It’s never the same situation, so it results in women operating by men’s rules acknowledging the fact that most coaches are men thus making female representation absent.
By virtue of the way society is built, there are many glass ceilings for females to break in every single way. Prevented from moving forward such as when society promotes a hierarchical system, approaching glass ceilings must be defeated for the capabilities of women are beyond people’s expectations.
Similarly, Joyce Pring shares how she was berated for posting photos of her racing cars and riding motorcycles that were deemed as men’s activities. And for women, these kinds of statements are limiting and disempowering. But, being able to stand down and disengage from the idea of confining women contributes to women empowerment and finally leads female power to not be controlled by anyone else.
From this point of view, we must detach the word female in stating one’s occupation as it creates a boundary that makes men the standard and perceives women as lower beings. Especially in sports where women are greatly objectified, sports broadcasting does not give much attention to what they say but how they look and how hosts present themselves. (LC)
“From the bringing up of the society, it has been easier to judge other women that to empathize with them because of the desire of wanting to be better than that person. ”
Women Empowerment
It requires a lot of women to change the system. It may not be the easiest path since people need to have jobs in order to pay their bills and sustain them, but doing what feels right for you and according to what you believe in is what you deserve. Stand for what is right despite the difficulty and at times. People may not be at your side, but the act of setting boundaries where you are comfortable is empowering. (LC)
Women empowerment is an important conversation to have because these ceilings are not necessarily objective, they are subjective. Everyone has a different story, and we gain strength and empower ourselves in different ways. And within women, tearing each other down and being against one another should not be happening for it doesn’t help in any sense.
From Episode 84 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: “BUILDING A WORLD OF EMPOWERED WOMEN FT. LIA CRUZ”
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Adulting With Joyce Pring is the How-To’s of your 20’s told by a 20-something, traversing through life expectantly and with gusto!
Episode summary by Chiara
Soli Deo Gloria!