The Difference of Competition Vs. Collaboration
In this world we live in, there is always competition, no matter what industry you are in. But how can we balance the competition with collaboration? On this new episode, Coach Lyqa Maravilla and Joyce Pring talked about how collaboration helped them and how they have an abundance mindset over scarcity mindset thru it.
“How can we help each other?”
When you talk about collaboration you have to set your sights above the immediate gain you receive. You cannot do things alone and there is a space for everyone. There’s no such unique idea anymore. Start focus more on the long term goals – by having a bigger dream and a bigger vision for what you want to see in the world. That’s why collaboration becomes a big part of your GROWTH – because you don’t see anybody as competition but an opportunity to grow towards the same just cause.
How to Show Up when You Don’t Feel it?
When you collaborate you are…
○ Free and challenged to think bigger that yourself.
○ Being more self-aware.
○ Maximizing your fuller potential for the greater good of your community and of the country.
○ Build relationships with the people with the same just cause as yours.
○ We are fighting a common enemy, so don’t deal with it using the same tool – focus on where you are good at then strike at that common enemy.
○ If you stop competing, it will enable you to have wings and fly. Get rid of that so you can fly.
○ The only person you should be competing with is yourself from yesterday – Jordan Peterson
“Where your eyes go, that where your body will follow”
How to be your OWN collaborator?
○ Before forgiving other people, forgive yourself. There will always be seasons of gaps and its part of life.
○ Be a little kinder to yourself.
○ You are on your own individual journey. Stop envying others! We all our own timelines.
Focusing on collaboration welcomes positive changes in the world. We fight to win – we may lose but either way we grow. The only bigger competition is to become the better version of yourself. When the time comes, the only question left is “how much have you have you grown since the moment that you were born?”
From Episode 107 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: ” THE DIFFERENCE OF COMPETITION VS COLLABORATION”