My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want to Get Married

What should I do?


Understand his perspective

Have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend to understand his reasons for not wanting to get married. Listen to his concerns and try to see things from his point of view. Some people may have reservations about marriage due to past experiences, personal beliefs, or fears about commitment.

2) Communicate your needs and wants

Express your feelings and desires regarding marriage to your boyfriend. Be clear about why marriage matters to you and how it fits into your vision for the future.

3) Explore compromise

If marriage is non-negotiable for you but your boyfriend is hesitant, discuss potential compromises or alternatives that could work for both of you. For example, you might consider a long-term committed partnership without a formal marriage ceremony.

4) Seek relationship counseling

If you're struggling to find common ground on this issue, consider seeking the guidance of a professional relationship counselor. A counselor can help facilitate productive discussions and explore potential solutions.

5) Give Yourself Time

Don't rush into making decisions. Take the time you need to process your thoughts and emotions. Discuss the situation with trusted friends or family members who can offer support and perspective.

What if he's still not open to marriage?

1) Revisit the conversation

Have another open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about marriage. Clearly express how important marriage is to you and ask him to share his perspective again. Listen carefully to his reasons for not wanting to get married.

2) Consider timeline and Ffuture plans

Be realistic about your timeline and expectations for the future. If marriage is a non-negotiable goal for you and your boyfriend is firm in his stance against it, you may need to reassess whether continuing the relationship is in line with your long-term aspirations.

3) Evaluate your options

If your boyfriend remains unwilling to consider marriage and you feel that your goals are not aligned, you may need to consider whether staying in the relationship is the best choice for your future happiness and fulfillment.

4) Pray about it

Spend time in prayer seeking wisdom and guidance from God. Trust that He has a plan for your life, and He will lead you in the right direction.


From Episode 6 of #AskTheTrivinos Adulting with Joyce Pring: “My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want to Get Married | AskTheTrivinos Ep. 6”