Posts tagged relationship
“Should I Date a Former Cheater?"

It’s Love Month, so let’s talk about it! 💘 I’m answering some of your biggest love questions!

We dive into the factors you should consider before making that decision, including personal values, the context behind the cheating, and the potential for change.

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Intentional Dating vs. Modern Dating

What is intentional dating? How does it differ from modern dating? Can it really save us from heartbreaks in modern dating's infamous "GHOSTING"? On this episode, we talk about intentional dating’s effects and how this could make us happier, blessed, and lead directions to a more meaningful and successful relationship.

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Helping a Friend in a Toxic Relationship

How do you tell your friend that you think they’re in a relationship that will just hurt them? Should you just be quiet? Or should you give them your two cents? Aaron and I talk about our past relationships and how we were able to survive the toxic relationships we’ve gone through.

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Patience and Joy in the Midst of Chaos

In another episode of a Sunday Special, Joyce and Juancho decided to do Sunday specials together every week to share concerning what God has taught them for the past week. The topic of the discussion on this episode will be faith with regards to faith-related questions from listeners.

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Creating a Culture of Connection

How can we communicate better and have real human connections these days? What is the relation between grit and greatness? On this installment of the podcast, Joyce Pring talks with Tom Krieglstein on how he was able to build his business, adjust to this new world and still stay connected to the people around us.

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