It's Time for Some Girl Talk!
Women Empowerment is enabling women to be their best version and achieve anything that they want for the betterment of their community and the world.
Last month is International Women’s Month! And in celebration of that, on this episode, Joyce answers some questions about the things ladies have to deal with on a regular basis, which offers us a different perspective.
What are the things to do when having a bad mood because of hormones?
○ Asses yourself first. Is it just hormones or a characteristic that needs to be changed? If you’re really moody and it’s affecting your relationships in an unhealthy way, try and work on it.
○ Breathe. Before you say anything, determine if it’s really something that you should say and not just a way to vent out your mood swings.
○ Do things to pamper yourself to alleviate the pain of going through hormonal problems. Have a nice shower. Or get a good meal!
○ Educate people and try to explain to them or make them understand about it.
How to handle catcallers on the street?
You can avoid them. But going into a deeper solution on how to stop instances like that, it really should starts with education and character building. The reason why there are catcallers on the street is that they are not educated enough and their characters are not developed enough. Catcallers aren’t born, they are made. And it is not a women’s responsibility to solve that problem. It’s a societal thing.
Is it okay for a woman to make the first move?
Yes. It’s nice that some women have the courage to ask a man out on a date. As long as you’re not hurting anyone or if you think you are doing the right thing and you are really attracted to this person, then why not pursue that person?
How to gain confidence and not feel insecure?
○ Acknowledge the fact that it’s okay to feel insecure and feel that you don’t have the confidence sometimes. What is not okay is to stay in that feeling of insecurity and not having that confidence.
○ To gain the confidence, start first by acknowledging that God made you in His image. And that means you have an intrinsic value. Wherever you come from, whatever your background is, whatever you’ve gone through, the success and failures you have, those things don’t define who you are. The fact alone that God created you in His image given the talent and treasures that you have, that means that you are valued, loved and cared for.
○ Work on your talents. Focus on your strengths and weaknesses and start honing them. Insecurity and confidence doesn’t come from the affirmation of other people. It comes from the assurance that you have the all the capabilities.
○ Build a community around you. By having this community, you are telling yourself that a) no person can be on their own b) you’re not just growing and succeeding for yourself, you are also doing it for the community around you having the people that can actually help you go out of your comfort zone.
If this confidence is something that you are supposed to be gaining for the betterment of the people around you, for the family or company that you have, then it will thrive. You can help yourself and help each other out. And, we don’t have to necessarily agree to each other to be kind to one another. Cause at the end of the day, when we’re together, we’re stronger.
Stay tuned for more episodes and don’t forget to use the hashtag #AdultingWithJoycePring if you have any comments or suggestions for future topics!
Episode summary by Chiara Quebral
Adulting With Joyce Pring the Podcast:
The How-To’s of your 20’s told by a 26 year old. Basically, the blind leading the blind - expectantly and with gusto. Adulting With Joyce Pring the podcast is available for free on iTunes, Spotify, Podcast app, and all your other podcast providers. All written, recorded, and produced by Joyce Pring, unless stated otherwise.
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Soli Deo Gloria!