How To Be Emotionally Strong?
What can we do to stop the cycle of languishing? How can you help your families and friends understand the suffering you’re going through? How do you deal with someone or something that gives you anxiety without getting rid of them? How can we seek therapists here in the Philippines? Here on this episode, Joyce Pring and Doc Gia Sison, talked about these questions and generally explained every bit from the perspective of an expert.
The Cycle of Being Lonely
Languishing – I’m not okay but I’m not really down
Being lonely is part of us being humans, something we need to undergo to grow and learn more of ourselves. It’s not a cycle because it’s something we can walk through. We will all get lonely at one point or the other – it’s just a matter of accepting it and moving with it.
Life comes in seasons. The earlier to accept that there will always be a season of sadness and that there will always be a flow of undulations is what will empower us. (GS)
“You can’t be a hundred percent happy and a hundred percent sad, but the feelings in between are the things that we need to work on.”
How to Thrive with Languishing?
○ Be comfortable with it and accept it.
○ Let go of the things that we can’t control – like our feelings.
○ Take out the expectations that we have to be happy all the time.
How to Deal with A Person That Gives You Anxiety
○ Burning Bridges Is the Last Thing to Do– it’s exist but it’s the last thing that we have to put in mind.
○ Work things out first – there’s some side of us that we can’t see but other can see. Talk about it, exhaust all things to be together and work things out – there’s no perfect relationship.
How to still be Present while Having Difficulties?
Try to figure out how to a say ‘no’.
We are not born to be mind-readers. Communicate your emotions – there’s a power in that.
Have a mindset that: “things can happen; things can really get out of hand so work things out to be able to work things through”. Think about your priorities – deal with it one by one and maybe by that you can be able to function better. (GS)
Drawing Motivation?
Being able to do the things that we love. It’s difficult when you do things because of being obliged to.
Have Work-Life Integration not work-life balance. Establish a routine where you have a moment for yourself and a moment for your family.
Ask for help. It’s a sign of strength not of a weakness. But it’s okay to be not strong all the time.
Stay true to yourself. Take care and do not lose sight of who you really are.
Accessing Therapists in The Philippines
○ If it’s already affecting the quality of your life. Be proactive to your mental health not just on your physical health. Seeking therapy can be a step up for you to get better, understand yourself more, function more and move forward.
○ Try accessing, it’s a site that contains a list of CSO’s that you can call and set an appointment whenever you are ready. The link has leads that offer these services for free. It’s like a medical mission that are willing to help anyone who’s been struggling on that deep hole of anxiety, depression, etc. Or try getting into some facebook groups with the same interest and try trusting some other people.
How to be Better in Dealing with Mental Health?
○ Always remember that things will get better.
○ Life’s a journey of successes, failures and disappointments – embrace them then learn from them.
○ It’s a matter of perspective building. Change that perspective.
○ If you feel that’s something is wrong, admit and acknowledge that you’re not fine.