Overcoming Insecurities

Most of us are unaware of our insecurities and we try to mask it with a façade of false strength. But how can we be more self-aware in listening to the voice of self-confidence rather than battering ourselves with the voice of insecurities? Here, Coach Lyqa Maravilla and Joyce Pring discussed how they can just not deal with it, but be friends with it.

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My Post-Partum Recovery Essentials!

Some of my friends and followers have been messaging me, asking me how the postpartum experience and motherhood life has been going. I won’t lie – it’s been exhausting, friends! There are some things that I’ve found essential to my postpartum recovery. And I’m sharing it with you here!

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The Power of Financial Habits

How can habits change lives and build an abundant mindset? What are some limiting beliefs that could hinder financial growth? How can we avoid impulse spending? On this podcast, Coach Yani and Joyce Pring will talk about the process of establishing financial security.

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Patience and Joy in the Midst of Chaos

In another episode of a Sunday Special, Joyce and Juancho decided to do Sunday specials together every week to share concerning what God has taught them for the past week. The topic of the discussion on this episode will be faith with regards to faith-related questions from listeners.

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Live Independently in Your 20’s?

What should people consider before moving out of their parents’ house? How much savings do they need to have before doing it? In this episode, Joyce Pring had a chat with Financial Coach Yani Moya to help set one’s mind and figure things out before the big leap.

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Tips to Stay Motivated!

Is motivation really a fleeting thing like passion? How does it differ from a goal or a purpose? Here’s a catch-up episode with the one and only Aaron Atayde talking about being motivated and the lessons learned from last year that have to be carried this year.

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Ways To Reinvent Yourself When You’re Feeling Stuck

This pandemic made people stuck in patterns or habits where it feels hard for them to make a shift in life. But it’s now a new year, how could one make a change? This could be a little daunting for a lot of people so Joyce broke it down into three points: Introspection, Redirection, and Reinvention to help you go through the process of transformation.

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5 Ways to Spend Wisely This 2021

As Dave Ramsey says, “Handling your finances is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior.” As Joyce Pring goes through all the good and bad decisions when it comes to budgeting and spending, in this episode of the podcast, Joyce shares the things she has learned along the way to be able to handle her finances better.

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Overcoming Body Shaming & Negative Self-Talk

In a world full of people with prejudice, most people have been victims of body shaming. In this episode, Coach Lyqa and Joyce open up about their own experiences dealing with this issue, these repercussions, and how people could change this negative culture that most have grown into.

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Dealing with High Expectations

We’ve done a two-part podcast episode with Brendan Burns. And on this second one, Joyce and Brendan both answered some of the community’s questions on boundaries, expectations, voicing out, and coping up with pressure.

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Creating a Culture of Connection

How can we communicate better and have real human connections these days? What is the relation between grit and greatness? On this installment of the podcast, Joyce Pring talks with Tom Krieglstein on how he was able to build his business, adjust to this new world and still stay connected to the people around us.

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The Power of Optimism

How to have an optimistic mindset when everything else around seem to work against you? What is real optimism? On this podcast episode, Joyce Pring talked with philanthropist Jess Ekstrom on how her love to help and brighten children’s life fulfilled her own happiness and turned her into being a better person.

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Becoming Unapologetically Abundant

Petia Kolibova is a women's transformation coach who helps women who have been pushed down and been playing it small due to toxic relationships or unhealed childhood trauma to create a life that is true to them and their sole purpose. On this episode of the podcast, she shares some incredible insights and best practices to create a life that’s unapologetically abundant!

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