We face prejudice all the time. How can we present ourselves so people can understand us better when they already have a negative perception of us? Back with Coach Lyqa, on this episode, we talk about how we can succeed and stand up again when our image is already stained by others.
Read MoreBeing productive is not about being busy all the time, it is being able to do quality work in the amount of time that you have. In this solo episode, you may find your own systems of productivity, the habits you can form, and the right equipment that will help you reach your goals.
Read MoreHuman beings are social beings. In this episode, Joyce and Aaron talk about the difference between primary and secondary in understanding the cause and effect of how you can process and control your emotions rather than them controlling you.
Read MoreFamily is known to be the smallest unit of society. In a Filipino household, it is important to maintain tighter familial ties alongside gratitude that extends to three generations or more. On this episode of the podcast, Joyce and Victor will let you into their lives as they talk about “tough love, tough together” mantra, and how they criticize and support each other.
Read MoreThere are a lot of things in life that will make us feel trapped: regrets, anxieties, failures, disappointments, pain, difficulties, and many more. In this episode, Joyce and Wil Dasovich shared their own anxiety traps and what point did they break free, and how God opened doors of healing for them.
Read MoreIn this world we live in, there is always competition, no matter what industry you are in. But how can we balance the competition with collaboration? On this new episode, Coach Lyqa Maravilla and Joyce Pring talked about how collaboration helped them and how they have an abundance mindset over scarcity mindset thru it.
Read MoreHave you been body-shamed or smart-shamed by your friends or relatives? Does crab mentality still exist in our families? Is there a solution to these innate behaviors? Here, we discussed personal experiences on how to address toxic Filipino attitudes and how to change these habits for the betterment of the next generations.
Read MoreWhat can we do to stop the cycle of languishing? How do you deal with someone or something that gives you anxiety without getting rid of them? How can we seek therapists here in the Philippines? Here on this episode, Joyce Pring and Doc Gia Sison, talked about these questions and generally explained every bit from the perspective of an expert.
Read MoreIf vulnerability is such a natural thing, how come most of us are so afraid of it? We grew up in a society that taught us that being emotional equates to weakness. Now, we understand that acknowledging emotions can actually better us.
Read MoreHow can we protect our space and set healthy boundaries? How can we turn our mistakes into challenges that will help us become better? On this episode of Adulting with Joyce Pring, Angely Dub joins her as they talk about having a healthy lifestyle – physically, emotionally and mentally!
Read MoreSome businesses have responded to the pandemic by laying off staff and closing their doors while waiting for the storm to pass – but other SMEs decided to pivot.
Read MoreMost of us are unaware of our insecurities and we try to mask it with a façade of false strength. But how can we be more self-aware in listening to the voice of self-confidence rather than battering ourselves with the voice of insecurities? Here, Coach Lyqa Maravilla and Joyce Pring discussed how they can just not deal with it, but be friends with it.
Read MoreIs the phrase ‘follow your passion and the money will come’ really true? Which is more important, experience or higher income? On this podcast, Coach Lyqa Maravilla and Joyce Pring share their real stories of dealing with this dilemma and navigating through their own career paths.
Read MoreSome of my friends and followers have been messaging me, asking me how the postpartum experience and motherhood life has been going. I won’t lie – it’s been exhausting, friends! There are some things that I’ve found essential to my postpartum recovery. And I’m sharing it with you here!
Read MoreAs we increasingly adjust to the new normal, public speeches are once again becoming common. In fact, you yourself might have even been asked to speak at an event on Zoom or in person! And if the thought makes you nervous, don't worry; you're not alone.
Read MoreHow can habits change lives and build an abundant mindset? What are some limiting beliefs that could hinder financial growth? How can we avoid impulse spending? On this podcast, Coach Yani and Joyce Pring will talk about the process of establishing financial security.
Read MoreIn another episode of a Sunday Special, Joyce and Juancho decided to do Sunday specials together every week to share concerning what God has taught them for the past week. The topic of the discussion on this episode will be faith with regards to faith-related questions from listeners.
Read MoreWhat should people consider before moving out of their parents’ house? How much savings do they need to have before doing it? In this episode, Joyce Pring had a chat with Financial Coach Yani Moya to help set one’s mind and figure things out before the big leap.
Read MoreJoyce Pring celebrates Women’s Month last March by having Lia Cruz on the show to talk about finding her place in the world, dealing with challenges faced by women, and learning about how women can harness out intrinsic female power in order to emphasize and encourage one another.
Read MoreIs motivation really a fleeting thing like passion? How does it differ from a goal or a purpose? Here’s a catch-up episode with the one and only Aaron Atayde talking about being motivated and the lessons learned from last year that have to be carried this year.
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